For me, food is more than just fuel
For me, food is more than just fuel. It brings about a sense of pleasure and enjoyment. This is why I strongly believe there is a place for ALL foods in a healthy diet. I chose the path of nutrition and dietetics because of my love for good food.
My Services
from sharing recipes to providing you with the latest evidence based nutrition knowledge and skills to achieve your nutritional and dietary goals,
Dietitians can help individuals of all ages
The importance of good nutrition starts from preconception. From the moment a baby is born, we are encouraged to monitor and track every facet of the child’s well-being – from their weight and length to their developmental milestones.

My Blog
I also acknowledge that we all have our own definition of what a healthy lifestyle looks and feels like. I want to be your reliable go to resource for all things food and nutrition,
Emotional Eating
Food is not just about nutrition and fuel for our bodies – it is part of our history, our culture, our family. Food is something that is meant to be enjoyed for the taste and pleasure it brings us –
Eat Your Way to Healthy Skin
You are what you eat. Every cell in your body is composed of the macronutrients, vitamins and minerals that make up our daily meals. So, it makes perfect sense that what you eat can affect your skin health. Your skin
All about those monthly cravings!
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a group of physical and/or mood changes that occur one to two weeks before menstruation. The cause of PMS remains unclear. Most likely, there is not one clear cause but rather a number of different physiological