Appetite Versus Hunger
Here is a situation: you are offered a ‘straight outta the oven’ decadent triple chocolate jumbo muffin. If this sounds tempting, you would likely feel a desire for this sweet treat. If so, you have experienced appetite. To further confirm
Your Food and Your Mood
About three weeks ago on a Monday, I wasn’t feeling quite as rested as one should at the start of a week. The previous week had been a stressful and busy one (we all have those, right?), and before I
Food, Your Immune System and COVID-19
As coronavirus impacts communities around the world, many people have wondered whether there are steps they can take to stay healthy and boost their immune systems. You may have heard about antioxidants – in food articles, from health experts or
Don’t cramp your style!
A prolonged, painful and involuntary contraction of a muscle is known as a cramp. Any muscle can be affected, but these spasms commonly occur in the calf or foot. The best way to alleviate the problem is with a massage
When mints just don’t work for some people…
Unless it is caused by illness, halitosis (the scientific term for bad breath) can usually be eliminated by sensible eating habits and thorough oral hygiene. Bad breath is usually a trivial complaint and it is often caused by curry, garlic,
Nutrition in the Burns Patient
This week is national burns safety awareness week. Did you know a dietitian has a very important role to play in a hospital’s burns unit? Because it takes a lot of energy to heal, patients need many more calories than
Midday is when we need energy and nutrients the most! That’s when we are the busiest and most productive – at work, university or school! Turn up the flavour with minimum fuss with these healthy ‘to go’ lunch ideas (remember
Rethink your Drink!
I’m sure after reading my last article on sugar tax (Click on the following link to read more: you would agree that it makes good sense to replace sugary drinks with lots of clean safe water. Research and recommendations
Lets not sugar coat it!
The results are out, and the findings are frightening! Stats SA have recently released their report on mortality and causes of death in 2016. Whilst tuberculosis remains the leading cause of death in 2016, non communicable diseases (or lifestyle related diseases)
My Favourite Brekkies!
The old saying ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’ could not be more true. Researchers have found that people who skip breakfast are at greater risk of weight gain and consequent lifestyle associated diseases such as diabetes,