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Diabetes Management

Diabetes affects the body’s ability to make or properly use insulin. This leads to high blood sugar (or glucose) in the blood. What, when and how much you eat can make a huge different in a patient’s ability to control their blood sugar when managing diabetes. A dietitian can help create an individualized meal plan to manage blood sugar levels and keep diabetes in check.

Patients should be referred to a dietitian as soon as a diagnosis is made to get the right guidance about what to eat, when and how much of it. Together, the patient and dietitian will set goals and plan meals to meet them. The dietitian will discuss your desired weight, examine how active you are, assess your medications, blood sugar levels, other existing medical conditions and your overall health goals to make the patient’s plan as tailored as possible.

Shani is passionate about nutritionally assisting all types of diabetic patients (adults and kids). It is for this reason why she decided to complete her Post Graduate Diploma in Diabetes through the University of South Wales (Cum Laude). She is also trained to manage patients with continuous glucose monitors and insulin pumps.